All immediate implants come with a 10-year guarantee from the manufacturer
This means that the implants are replaced free of charge by the manufacturer. As a matter of principle, no guarantee can be given for medical services, as the success of the treatment depends largely on the patient’s recovery.
Nevertheless, the members of the foundation usually provide free or very inexpensive medical help over a period of years when individual implants or work have to be unexpectedly replaced. The period of this type of guarantee is 10 years.
Please note that regular check-ups in an authorized dental clinic are necessary to maintain the guarantee. The attending doctor provides the guarantee. There can be a difference among the guarantees from the dental clinics.
Szabolcs Csuka
- Patient Caregiver -
+36 20 321 5857
WhatsApp as well
Deákkúti út 16. 9400 Sopron, Hungary